Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Initiative

 After a slight delay, The Initiative is available at Amazon or Kindle Unlimited. I've been traveling for work so I've gotten a little behind my planned release schedule but hopefully I'll have some more stories for April. Anyway, here's a little synopsis for The Initiative.

Chad is the ultimate 'Chad'. He is heavily invested in the online 'Alpha Male' movement. What he didn't know was that there is an underground feminist movement whose goal is subjugation of the male population. Chad's world is challenged when The Initiative abducts his stepson and begins Andy on a journey to the feminine. Andy is The Initiative's test subject for their plan to conquer men. Will Chad be able to save Andy in time? What about the rest of the men in the world?

I hope everyone enjoys this work. If you have any crazy book ideas rattling around your head, let me know and I might see what I can do with it.

Hopefully I'll get back to some captions too. Travel has made it difficult but I'll try to get after it!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Toker App

 Donny was just trying to help, and get Shawn to shut up.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Morning Pickup

 I need to find this coffee roaster.