Saturday, December 30, 2023

Getting Used To It

 Who knows what is lurking in the great void of Space? Maybe?

Friday, December 29, 2023

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

In A Pinch

 A little pinch can help in a lot of situations.

Monday, December 25, 2023

My second book: Avenging Angel

  Merry Christmas everyone! In addition to seasons greetings I'd like to also announce the publication of my second book, Avenging Angel. Once again, you can find it at Amazon under the author Katie Van and listed as Avenging Angel.  This is a completely original work that was inspired by a captioned image I created way back in 2010. You can view that at Revelations

Here's a short synopsis: 

Twenty-five years ago, the world was ravaged by a virus that only affected women. Over ninety percent of all the females on the planet died and of the remaining, only a small percentage could bare children. Women quickly became the most valuable assets on Earth with wars and battles being fought over the few remaining females.

Sam and his village of Mt. Carroll had come a long ways since the start of the virus. They are a somewhat prosperous village when Raymond James sets his sights on them so he can continue his horrific experiments. James has the insane idea that he can convert men into women to help him in his plan to rule through any means, no matter the cost. Soon Sam and his best friend Jackson are forced into a life or death situation. The future of his family, village, and possibly all of mankind rests on their shoulders.

This book came together quickly. I guess that's what happens when something is rattling around in your brain for over ten years. And just in time for Christmas! Now just let me know what other captioned image would make a great story and I'll see what I can do.

I hope you all will check it out. It is available at Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. And, of course, thank you for your continued support.

Merry Christmas!

 All good boys should be rewarded with their Christmas wishes! Mary certainly was.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Short Tease

 Book number two is coming along nicely and it should be completed over the holiday. I'll have some editing and then the upload time for Amazon but I'm anticipating it being available after January 1. This one is an entirely new book based off of a very early caption I created in 2010. 

I don't have a confirmed name for the book yet. This one is going to be a little longer and more action packed than The Big Easy. It has a little different focus since it is set twenty five years in the future after a virus pandemic. 

Thanks to all of those that checked out The Big Easy I really appreciate it! I hope everyone has an amazing Holiday Season!

XXX-Mas Wish

 Even if you're a good boy it doesn't mean down deep you don't also want a little XXX.

Friday, December 22, 2023

The Special Egg Nogg

 Santa just wants to give the true believers what they want.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

My First Published Book! The Big Easy

My first published book is now available on Amazon! You can purchase it or get it for free with Kindle Unlimited (you can get Kindle Unlimited for $0.99 a month for three months). I had to change up my author name though. You'll find me writing as Katie Van. There is another author in the same genre with a very similar name and I didn't want there to be any confusion (Nikki Crescent who is a great TG author) so Katie Van is my fall back. The story itself is an updated and edited one that I originally wrote over ten years ago (it was posted on Nikki's Sweet Stories for a while when that was active). The Big Easy is a story about Nick and his adventures in New Orleans. The link to the book is here → The Big Easy The link will give you a short preview as well.

I do have another book that I'm working on right now. It's based on one of my really early captioned images. I'll tease that in a few weeks but I'd like to publish a new book around once a month. Anyway, if you can check out The Big Easy I'd greatly appreciate it!

Christmas Spirit

 With Christmas approaching, I thought I'd create a few caps with the Ol' Holiday Spirit getting in the act. What a magical time of the year!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Whose Fault?

 Whose fault is it when an innocent suggestion goes so wrong?

Friday, December 15, 2023

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Something for Everyone

 Far be it from me to get the word out about how to make a wish that doesn't lead to unintended consequences.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Stuck in a Loop

 At some point it would get old. Maybe, well probably not.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Friday, December 8, 2023

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Monday, December 4, 2023

My Upcoming Plans

 Hello there peeps! I hope everyone is doing well so far this December. As you probably noticed, I've been posting a bit more regularly than what I have in the recent past. I mean, once every six months isn't considered intermittent or anything... Anyways, what I keep running into is editing down what I'd like to write to fit into a single caption. So I'm going to try something a bit different (and maybe make some cash for my effort). I'm going to go through some of my older captions that I want to expand and blow them out into full fledged stories! If I am going to go through the time and effort of such an endeavor, I'm going to do it right. My plan, hopefully at some point in the next month or so, is to begin self publishing on Amazon Kindle. This is to give everything a more polished look and, to be totally honest, hopefully make some money. I love doing captions and writing but the time that I have to put into it versus everything else going on in my life makes it difficult. So I want to be able to drop some of the other side hustles I do to make ends meet and do something I enjoy. The plan will be to have titles available for purchase individually and available on Kindle Unlimited. I have Kindle Unlimited and probably spend too much time there but is the best $10 or so a month that I spend on anything. I'm just getting things rolling now and haven't started writing yet but I will keep you all updated. I hope some of you will consider following me down this road as well.

So, that being said, I'd like to hear from you on which of my 375+ (holy shitballs! That many! lol) posts you think would make a great basis for a full story. Let me know in the comments. And I hope you all have a wonderful day!


 Just helping out a friend.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Needing a Fun Ride

 Of course Frank is ready to give Chad a ride.

Friday, December 1, 2023