My goal for the month of January was to post a new cap every other day. I'm happy to say, with the upcoming post tomorrow, I'll have met my goal. I hope everyone has been enjoying the regular posting rather than the intermittent posting I've been doing for a while. It has been fun getting back into a more regular schedule.
So, the questions is, what do you all want to see? I'm up for suggestions to keep my creativity flowing so let me know in the comments what you would like. Or if you want to leave some feedback or just say hi, that works too!
Also, I have been considering starting a Patreon for more detailed or personalized content. I have no idea if anyone would even be interested in supporting me that way but I've seen it with other content creators. Plus it would allow me more, ahh flexibility we'll say, in content. Plus, you know, gotta pay the bills. Again, let me know in the comments if I should go that route as well.
It was great to see all the posts! Thank you!