Monday, December 4, 2023

My Upcoming Plans

 Hello there peeps! I hope everyone is doing well so far this December. As you probably noticed, I've been posting a bit more regularly than what I have in the recent past. I mean, once every six months isn't considered intermittent or anything... Anyways, what I keep running into is editing down what I'd like to write to fit into a single caption. So I'm going to try something a bit different (and maybe make some cash for my effort). I'm going to go through some of my older captions that I want to expand and blow them out into full fledged stories! If I am going to go through the time and effort of such an endeavor, I'm going to do it right. My plan, hopefully at some point in the next month or so, is to begin self publishing on Amazon Kindle. This is to give everything a more polished look and, to be totally honest, hopefully make some money. I love doing captions and writing but the time that I have to put into it versus everything else going on in my life makes it difficult. So I want to be able to drop some of the other side hustles I do to make ends meet and do something I enjoy. The plan will be to have titles available for purchase individually and available on Kindle Unlimited. I have Kindle Unlimited and probably spend too much time there but is the best $10 or so a month that I spend on anything. I'm just getting things rolling now and haven't started writing yet but I will keep you all updated. I hope some of you will consider following me down this road as well.

So, that being said, I'd like to hear from you on which of my 375+ (holy shitballs! That many! lol) posts you think would make a great basis for a full story. Let me know in the comments. And I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. I always liked the Halloween costume party where the girlfriend finds him taking it in the ass from someone at the party. And their eyes me I would ove to see what happens next and think it would create an interesting story and dynamic

  2. I think that would be a great idea. Though a lot to go through. I am not a great fan of magical transformations. Perhaps science gone wrong or doing a favor. Best wishes in your endeavor.
